Meeting #4

In which we had some fun with our second and awesomer bass player, had some pizza, and murdered a drifter.

We call this one "ukebass".

Sing it, curly.

Yaaaaaay it's Amber!



Could that banjo be any sexier?

Yes it could.

The pictures get about half as big here for reasons we cannot fathom.

Oasis time.

Your imagination will create better captions than I ever will.



WOW it looks like we're actually playing together. Looks can be decieving.

Zach leans out of the frame to make out with his life size Orlando Bloom cutout.

Does he EVER bring his own guitar?

Zach marvels at what a sex god Simon is.

Simon says "thanks but no thanks" with a good thwack on the nose with a guitar head.

Hey hey mama said the way you moooooooooove...

Seranading Zach's ass.

He is playing Miserlou on bass, but despite that fact, can anyone spot the crime against humanity? That's right- USING PICK ON BASS. Simon apologizes that you had to see him like this, and promises to only do it when tremeloing.

Yaaaaaay cool perspective shots.

Awww we love Rusty.

Simon has died.

So proud of her dolphins.

Ok now that's just silly.

No pizza for you. Bitch.