Name: Amber Steve Blasingame

Instruments: Bass

Favorite Bands: Flaming Lips, Radiohead, The Doors, Barenaked Ladies,

Rush, Elton John, The Beatles, Transiberian Orchestra, Boston Pops,

Blue Man Group, Led Zeppelin, Dave Matthews Band, Opeth, Queen


Zach and Simon met Amber one fateful evening during a long and dangerous

trek through a foggy swamp. Or so they thought, they were actually just

incredibly drunk at a stag party. In any case, they happened to mention

that they were on a mission to find a bass player for their band, and Amber

immediately volunteered. It was only later that they discovered that she

was a compulsive liar; not only did she not play the bass, she didn't

own one, had no idea what one actually looked like, and was NOT the Prime

Minister of Portugal. They took her on anyway, made her buy a P-Bass, and the

rest is history...... well, not really, but it's not interesting enough

to be put here, I'll tell you that.